Ahead Of Their Time - The Orange County Lumber Truck

Ahead Of Their Time

The Orange County Lumber Truck

28 říjen 1968, 10:40 min.

Part 2

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Frank Zappa (kytara, zpěv)
Ian Underwood (alt saxofón, piano)
Bunk Gardner (tenor saxofón, klarinet)
Motorhead Sherwood (baritón saxofón, tamburína)
Roy Estrada (basa, zpěv)
Don Preston (elektrické piáno)
Arthur Tripp (bicí, perkuse)
Jimmy Carl Black (bicí)
Members of The BBC Symphony Orchestra

I've been informed that when the guy comes out that beats the gong we have to stop playing, because the subways around here shut down early. We like to thank you very much for coming to our concert and say goodnight. Nighty night, thank you


Další alba, kde se skladba objevila:
Weasels Ripped My Flesh (srpen 1970, 3:21)
Make A Jazz Noise Here (červen 1991, 0:42)

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Assembled By 'Mom Mills Meat'