You Can't Do That On Stage Anymore vol 3 - Why Does It Hurt When I Pee?

You Can't Do That On Stage Anymore vol 3
Why Does It Hurt When I Pee?
prosinec 17, 1984 and listopad 23, 1984, 3:06 min.
Location: Paramount Theatre, Seattle and Bismark Hotel, Chicago
předchozí skladba | zpět na info o albu | následující skladbaFrank Zappa (sólová kytara, zpěv)
Ike Willis (rytmická kytara, zpěv)
Ray White (rytmická kytara, zpěv)
Bobby Martin (klávesy, zpěv)
Alan Zavod (klávesy)
Scott Thunes (basa)
Chad Wackerman (bicí)
This is dedicated to the two guys in the crew
Who went to see the doctor today
Why does it hurt when I pee?
Why does it hurt when I pee?
I don't want that doctor
To stick that Utah in me
Why does it hurt when I pee?
I got it from the toilet seat
I got it from the toilet seat
It jumped right up
'N' grabbed my meat
Got it from the toilet seat
My balls feel like a pair of maracas
My balls feel like a pair of maracas
I probably got the
Salt Lake City Gon-o-khackus!
My balls feel like a pair of maracas
Why does it
Why does it
Why does it
Why does it hurt...
So you don't forget: call before midnite tonight!
Tell 'em what they win, Bob!
We'll be back in half an hour
Další alba, kde se skladba objevila:
Joe's Garage (19 listopad 1979, 2:36)
předchozí skladba | zpět na info o albu | následující skladba